The convention focus this year was on Dennis Herron Murphree, Mississippi Governor and Lt Governor in the 1920s and 1940s. Convention events included a tour of Yalobusha and Calhoun County sites of Murphree significance. These included the house that Governor Murphree built in Pittsboro as a get-away from Jackson -- a place where he could return to his beloved Calhoun County and its people -- as well as Governor Murphree's grave site in Pittsboro. The tour continued to the Rocky Mount Baptist Church Cemetery (left photo) a few miles east of Pittsboro. This relatively remote cemetery is the burial place for many of the pioneer Murphrees in Calhoun County. After stopping for lunch in Bruce, the tour headed back west into Yalobusha County stopping at the Airmount Cemetery where David Murphree, the youngest son of Daniel and Sarah Murphree, and his wife Jemima Cornelius Murphree are buried, before returning to the Convention hotel in Grenada. |
The June 2019 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
2019 MGA Convention Report
Bruce Jordan
Levi Murphree
Chepultepec Community
Obituary - Jerry Wayne Murphree
Obituary - James Fred "Murph" Murphree
Obituary - Ethleen Stricklin
Convention Registration Form Lodging and Map
Membership Application
Listing of MGA Directors and Officers
The December 2017 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
Report on 2017 MGA Conference
Lt. William Thomas Ingram
Sarah Rebecca Syrene Murphree
Kinion Lockhart Murphree
Homer Elam Murphree
Obituary - Carmon Redman
Obituary - Dora Hoyle Quinn Murphree
Treasurer's Report 2017
Membership Application
The June 2017 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
MGA Convention Report
Places to Visit in Grenada
History of Grenada
Dennis H. Murphree
David Murphree and Jemima Cornelius
Oneonta Mill
Mill Owners - Moses Cornelius
Asa Bynum
James Blakely, Alvah Jones, Elijah Major
James Dickerson, Asa Murphree
John Henry Fendley
Treasurer's Report
Convention Highlights
Places to Stay in Grenada
Membership Form
2017 Convention Registration Form
The December 2016 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
MGA 2017 Conference Notice
Horton Mill Covered Bridge
Thurmon Marion Horton
Short History of Murphree Genealogy (Part 3)
Larry Glenn Smith
Chris Murphree Andrews
Curtis Murphree
Membership Form
The June 2016 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
MGA Conference Minutes
Treasurer's Report
Family Group Pictures From 2015 Convention
  Descendants of David Murphree and Jemima Cornelius
  Descendants of Solomon Murphree and Sarah Ward
  Descendants of Daniel Murphree, Jr. and Mary Bullard
  Descendants of Levi Murphree
  Descendants of William Murphree
How Did We Get To Blount County?
Stylish Murphree Ladies of HIckman Co., Tennessee
Short History of Murphree Genealogy (Part 2)
The December 2015 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
Report on the 2015 MGA Conference
Loyd Community and Cemetery
Burnaman - Murphree Connection
Davis Andrew Murphree
Short History of Murphree Genealogy
MGA By-Laws and Amendments
Obituary - Glen Alfred Parker
Membership Application
The June 2015 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
MGA Convention Report
Places to Visit in Oneonta
Jeremiah Ellis and Dicey Murphree
Milly Murphree
Lebanon Methodist Church and Cemetery
Transportation Woes in Hanceville
Places to Stay in Oneonta
MGA Convention Schedule
2015 Convention Registration Form
The December 2014 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
2015 MGA Convention
Early History of Blount Co. Area
Settling of Murphree's Valley
Early Settlers of Murphree's Valley
Fictional Death of Alvin O. Dickson
Albert Alexander Murphree
Marriage Records
The June 2014 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
Comments from the Chairman
Comments from the President
The "Ineffable" First Murphree National Convention
Murphree Family History Recounted
Taking Advantage of Social Media: The Murphree Group and the MGA Website
Sarah Murphree and William Blythe
The December 2013 issue of the Murphree Newsletter includes the following topics:
Report on 2013 MGA Convention
Comments from the President
Wives of Solomon Murphree
Murphree Sisters Capture 3 Union Soldiers Re-Enacted
He's the 'Piano Doctor'
Dear Ruth Letter
1. The Murphree Homeplace is the excellent website by Charles Murphree.
2. The Murphree Group on Facebook
3. The official MGA Database (which can be downloaded to your computer.)
4. The Murphree Family Genealogy Forum.
5. THE MURPHREE ANCESTRY of Bill R. Linder of Kenedy, Karnes County, Texas. This is a large PDF file (578 pages, 80.2 MB), and it will take a while to download.
6. The Genealogy Resource Guide. This is a concise summary of what genealogy is, what it can do for us, and some of the main sources used today including some of those on the Internet.
7. How to Plan Genealogy Trips. This is a useful guide for planning trips to include genealogical research.
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